Tag: Writing

cybersmart 100 word challenge.

kia ora bloggers.

for cybersmart we were evaluating media and we got the choice of three storys to make about jack and the bean stalk but it had a catch the whole story had to be only one hundred words.

I picked the third option which is about how the giant came to hate people. Heres the story.

Once upon a time, things were peaceful on earth. Giants could roam free stomping their feet through canyons and valleys, then one day all the humans ran out from their caves and started launching attacks killing heaps of giant and two were the parents of a young giant. the young giant was filled with rage because he couldn’t save his parents  because he had to flee with all the other young giants. he thought it was impossible to be this mad towards a thing but now its normal to him he is annoyed at everything but his fellow giant friends.

Is there any feedback you can give me?

blog you later.





Kia ora bloggers.

This week  in writing we had to fix  sentences based on an image and I’m really proud of the sentence I did.

Here’s the image

here’s the sentences we need to fix

The dragons flew through the sky. The sun was shining in the sky. There were waves in the sea.

and these are the sentences  I did.

Courageously, the enormous dim blue dragons glided through the sky as the blazing golden sun slowly set. There were large waves in the endless sea that recklessly crashed against the gigantic steep cliff.

What feedback could you  give me ?

Blog you later


Friends for life writing

kia ora bloggers . this week me and my class have been doing writing based on a picture and I really enjoyed writing it

Here’s the picture and the story.

The silence spoke for them as they observed the scene, birds swooped down getting bugs continuously, other animals burrowed down escaping its predators and some were fighting for land. joined in understanding by the emotions, which wrapped around them like a shared blanket, their connection needed no words but it was time to say goodbye. as the person slowly walked away the gorilla launched into the trees it had seemed he had lived there for years.  The scent of the fresh green jungle and the view of the other animals slowly faded.

whats your favourite animal?

Blog you later  

salvation writing

Kia ora  bloggers.  This week me and my class did some writing.

here’s the picture

I found most of the writing easy but some of the sentences were a bit hard to include.

here’s the writing.

With the world in ruins, they began to board the ship in hope of salvation…

The birds were chirping frantically as buildings collapsed and the lightning boomed. people stood up on the mountain in shock of how much damage was caused until they heard one more crash from the tsunami down below. The heroes flew away with the citizens of the town getting away from the destruction and terror. 

blog you later.


Session 1 writing!

Hey bloggers

In my class we have been doing this writing task .

Here’s the picture  we had to base the story off .

Whats your favourite superhero?

here’s  my writing

“15 minutes away and i’m finally going to be someone else this time ring…ring  “you can’t be spiderman this time, you have to be batman they always change up things last second” Another play as batman Finished and still no other part this going to be along day of plays as batman. “2 plays finished 4 more to go, ring…ring…ring ring… ring ring… There was a call from the phone box on the corner “why the phonebox” “we have no more plays due to someone stealing the equipment” “what this is devastating did you see who took it” “no we only saw a red t-shirt” “thats it im asking every person with a red t-shirt”. “Im puffed out and i saw no one who possibly could have taken it until now” HEY STOP” “I can’t get him he’s too fast” “but why is there a bag full of play equipment ring…ring “um i think i found the equipment”   “Great your part in the play is going to be spiderman” “YES”

Blog ya later George

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