would you rather ponder

kia ora bloggers.

I would rather have a jet pack because when im older I wont need to have a car because I would have a jet pack and it would be so much easier to travel with a jetpack. but there are also cons for the jetpack like if  you jet pack malfunctions mid flight or if you would need fuel to use your jetpack but i feel like there are much less cons for the jet pack then the robot.

what would you rather?

Blog you later.


The one and only ivan ponder 4

kia ora bloggers. This post is about the one and only ivan.

heres the image.

I dont think its okay to take animals from their natural habitat  to be a pet because the animals would be taken away from there family and they wouldn’t be used to there new habitat and they live there in there natral habitat for a reason.

I thinks its okay to take an animal from the wild when there severly injured, really sick, when there family might be poached. or when there habitat might be destroyed

what do you think?

blog you later.


THE TEST (film festival)

kia ora bloggers.

For the past couple weeks me and my friends have been working on this film.

It was quite challenging because we had to do the story boards, the script, all the filming and the editing in about 3 weeks.

Even though it was all quite challenging it was still really fun trying something new and different.

Its about these two kids who haven’t study one bit  so they decide to go to a mad scientest  who was a former teacher  they soon get the test anwsers and get a good grade.

its called THE TEST hope you enjoy.

Have you made a film for the film festival?

blog you later.


mr lemoncello’s libary ponder

kia ora bloggers.  in this mr lemon cello ponder it has given us a challenge it is to write 16 words with these 16 letters in the im age down below. heres the image

heres what i go.t

lemon I go cello luigi  gone cone long

I got only 8 words but looking back at it i can think of many more .

how much words did you get?

blog you later.


mr lemoncello’s libary

kia ora bloggers. this post is about mr lemoncello’s libary.

bridgette decided to do the extreme challenge.

heres the image.

I wouldn’t do the extreme challenge like this one but if i was kyle and it was one about boardgames i would do it.

the reasons why i would not do the extreme challenge is,

  1.  I hate reading.
  2. I dont know much authors books
  3.  there all adult book.

would you do the extreme challenge?

blog you later.



mr lemoncello’s

kia ora bloggers. this post is about mr lemoncello’s libary.

kyle chose to be in a team while other chose to do it indevidually .

heres the image.

I would chose to be in a team because if your in a team you would have much more ideas,

so your teammates can help you and they might be better at something and your better at others.

would you work as a team or individually?

blog you later.



mr lemoncello’s libary ponder

kia ora  bloggers.  this term we are reading mr lemoncello’s libary

right now in mr lemoncello’s libary the 12 kids have got the  choice to either stay in the libary and have a chance to get really famous or leave the libary.

rose and kayla left the libary, rose had a football game and kayla didn’t have a reason.

Im not sure if I would want to stay or not because it depends on what day but if it is a day I dont have much on i would definitly do it.

I would not stay if it was on thursday or saturday because I  have football.

would you stay at the libary?

are there any comitments  that will make you not stay?

blog you later.


la luna

kia ora. this week for writing we watched a short film and then decide what happens next by writing.

heres a picture in the film


here some of the writing ive done

Ghastly sounds howl through the cold dim sky as they slowly row their boat through the calm ocean. Even though the boy was cold he kept on staring into the moon fascinated. The old man, the moustache man and the boy came for what they wanted, to see the supermoon.


do you have any feed back?

blog you later

mr lemoncello’s libary ponder 2

kia ora bloggers. this term we are reading mr lemoncellos libary.

in the opening scene it teaches me that kyle dosen’t give up. he’s a bit clumsy but really competitive.

at the start of the story it says he feels like his brothers are better then him at evey thing.

Have you read mr lemoncello’s libary?

blog you later